Time Clock Software Designed for Flexible Work Environments
Millennials thrive on flexibility in the workplace and the right time clock system can help improve work-life balance.
The workplace is changing and now that Millennials are the largest generation in the US labor force, that change isn’t going to slow down. Companies need to find ways to keep up with the changing mentality of the workforce to attract and retain employees.
- While Millennials are dedicated to their work and furthering their careers, they also believe in finding a work-life balance. Flexibility is one of the most important factors for then when it comes to searching for and staying at their jobs.
In the near future, the idea of a flexible work environment won’t just be a topic of discussion, it will be a reality. Companies need to start thinking of ways they can start providing employees with flexibility in their current positions and how to continue to improve upon this idea.
Interested in what else we’ll cover in this article? Here’s a quick look at what’s ahead:
- Why flexibility in the workplace is so important
- Why companies are moving towards more relaxed work schedules
- Why working remotely is important for work-life balance

The Importance of Flexibility
For Millennials, flexibility is a major factor when it comes to selecting a new job. In fact, many Millennials feel that flexibility is more important to them than salary.
As the needs of your workforce change, so should the technology you use to manage it. Using the right time clock software will help encourage flexibility within the workplace while allowing you to effectively manage your employees.

Flexible Schedules
Having the ability to control their start and end time, take time off when they want, and still having a sense of stability are very important factors for Millenials. That means the days of clocking in at 9 am and out at 5 pm are over.
This doesn’t mean that they don’t want to report to work or get their work done. It simply means that they are willing to put in extra work outside of the typical workday to have more flexibility during their week.
So for example, if they need to come into the office a few hours later on a Tuesday, they may make that time up by completing a report on Monday night at 9 pm. Or maybe they take time on a Sunday afternoon to catch up on emails to make sure they are ready for the week ahead.
With the help of a simple to use, mobile-friendly time clock system you can easily track the time your employees are working. They have the ability to track their time from a mobile app, while they are working through that report on at 9 pm on Monday night.
Having a time management system that can be with your employees whenever they are working will help you accurately manage payroll and calculate any overtime pay required.
Benefits of Flexible Schedules
Millennials are driving the movement towards flexible work schedules, but there are many proven benefits behind a more relaxed work environment.
Benefits of implementing a flexible work schedule include:
- Increase employee productivity
- Less stress for your employees
- A decrease in employee call-offs
- Employees are happier and healthier
- Builds trust between employees and their company
Allowing your employees to operate in a more relaxed work environment will increase their job satisfaction and improve productivity. With the help of the right time clock system, you can still manage employee time and won’t have to worry about decreased accountability.

Flexible Work Locations
With the technology we have available today, employees have the ability to work from almost anywhere — and they want to.
As companies continue to grow and become more global than ever before, the need for remote working is there. We’re moving towards more virtual meetings and are no longer tied to our desks. Working from home, using co-working space, and even working while traveling is becoming the norm in today’s business world.
Millennials want to know they have the freedom to be able to work from home on days that they are not feeling well or when they have to pick up their kids from daycare early. This is a huge factor in their work-life balance and it’s changing the way businesses look at the office setting.
In fact, since 2005 the number of people who work from home has increased by 140% — and we can only expect to see that increase in the coming years.
If your company has reservations around how to manage employees working remotely, today’s time management systems can help ease those fears. You can manage employees at multiple locations and even track their GPS location to ensure they are where they say they are.
As an employer, you can offer your teams the flexibility to work from home or another location and easily manage their time.
Benefits of Flexible Work Locations
Providing your employees with flexibility when it comes to physical work location will also provide your company and team members with a number of benefits.
Benefits of letting employees work remotely include:
- Reduce employee turnover rates
- Increase employee productivity
- Improve the morale of your employees
Allowing your employees to work remotely will help support your business needs and improve employee satisfaction.

Stay Ahead of the Changing Workforce
As the workforce continues to change it’s important for companies to stay ahead of the wants and needs of current and future employees. Without the resources and benefits in place, Millennials will move on to another company that is willing to provide them with the work-life balance they are looking for.